If a student must take medication during school hours, the student’s parent must provide the medication. All prescription medication, whether prescription or nonprescription, must be kept in the nurse’s office and be administered by the nurse or another authorized district employee. Prescription medications must be brought to and picked up at the clinic by a parent or guardian where it will be inventoried with the parent or guardian. Neither prescriptions or non-prescription medications from foreign countries will be administered. When administering prescription medicines, the school district must have a written statement from a physician or dentist licensed to practice in the United States. Prescription medication will not be administered to students until the school nurse receives the written physician statement.
Nonprescription or Over The Counter (OTC) medications at the elementary school level will be kept in the nurse’s office and administered by the nurse or another authorized district employee. At this level, these medications must be brought to and picked up at the clinic by a parent or guardian where it will be inventoried with the parent or guardian. At the secondary school level, students may carry their over the counter medications, if in the original container and not shared with others. Some Intermediate level schools may request the student take their over the counter medication in the school clinic.
To make a written medication request, the Klein ISD Medication Authorization Form is available from the school clinic. If the circumstances are questionable, the school employee reserves the right to deny the parent's request. All prescriptions must be filled by a pharmacist licensed to practice in the United States At the end of the school year any leftover medicine or associated supplies not picked up by the parent will be destroyed.
This is an excerpt from the Klein ISD Student Handbook, please refer to the handbook for the full statement on medication in the school setting.
Medication Authorization Form
Student Handbook